Welcome to the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus 🌑♉️!

     Welcome to the New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus 🌑♉️, also known as the New Moon in Taurus 🌑♉️! This Powerful Partial Solar Eclipse in Taurus begins the Eclipse Season. This New Moon Partial Solar Eclipse supports the Pluto & Mercury Retrograde. This   New Moon in Taurus 🌑♉️ #Energy will focuses on your relationship with your finances and what may need to change. Do you have a healthy relationship with your Finances? It's time to get your finances in order &/or allow positive changes how to make money. The New Moon embraces new beginnings, ideas, projects, budgets goals, attitude and relationships. Since this New Moon in Taurus supports the upcoming Mercury Retrograde, these changes are probably gentle reminder of what should've happened awhile ago. Please remember that Pluto Retrograded yesterday 04/29/22 until October 8th, 2022. Mercury Retrogrades in Gemini 🌌♊️ on May 10th and that Energy can be felt now. The Total Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio 🌕♏️ Energy can also be felt now (occurring on May 15th-16th, 2022).
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#PartialSolarEclipse #NewMoonSolarEclipse #Energy #PartialSolarEclipseInTaurus #NewMoonPartialSolarEclipseInTaurus #PlutoInRetrograde #MoonCycle #NewMoon #Daily #SolarEclipse #Finances #Relationship #Venus #Eclipse #Astrology #MercuryRetrogradeShadowPeriod #Retrograde #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook page)

Welcome to the New Moon in Aries 🌑♈️!

      This is the 1st New Moon out of 2 New Moons, that will take place in the month of April. Welcome to the 1st New Moon in the Astrological New Year! For some of you that don't know Aries marks the true New Year! Have you wander why some of your New Years resolutions don't work (the ones set in January, maybe it's because there are 3 chances to set resolutions each year. The January, because it makes the new physcial calendar, Aries Season ♈️ because it start the Astrological Zodiac signs, and your Birthday, yes your Birthday 🥳 when you entered in this World. Here's a second chance to set some positive intentions for yourself this year until this time in 2023. The #Energy for this New Moon in Aries 🌑♈️, make yourself the priority, set intentions (&/or resolutions) and embrace your new beginnings for your Life. Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#NewMoonInAries #Energy #April #AriesNewMoon #NewMoon #NewBeginnings #Intention #Manifestation #Setting #ReGrowth #SpiritualGrowth #Intentions #Goals #Mars #Foreward #Movement #Mindfulness #Aries #Moon #MoonCycle #MoonPhases #Astrology #LOA #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the New Moon In Pisces 🌑 ♓️!

Wednesday 03/02/22

☆ Mercury Conjuncts Saturn ☆
Disciplined  and cautious thinking. Great #Energy for hard work, business travels and real good solid advice.

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☆ New Moon in Pisces 🌑♓️ ☆
Welcome to the New Moon in Pisces 🌑 ♓️! The #Energy of this New Moon in Pisces will bring an POSITIVE new start Spiritually, a Mental cleansing, Healing. Allow this process to happen to cleanse away the old and prepare you for Spring. Spring brings growth with the seed you plant. Jupiter is connected to this New Moon Pisces, Jupiter expands whatever you focus or out Energy into. This is also a favorable time for charitable activities, social media, technology and international business, traveling and activities.

~ AND ~

☆ Mars Conjuncts Pluto ☆
Great #Energy research, confidence, passion, taking action towards your goals and social climbing.
♡ Awarenss ♡: Impulses, very important to think before you react because negative actions &/or reactions have swift consequences at this time. AVOID conflict with others and manipulative situations.

*Duration 3 days.
Blessings 💜💚💛 A'Ja Simms 

Welcome to the New Moon in Aquarius 🌑♒️!

New Moon in Aquarius 🌑 ♒️!
     Welcome to the New Moon in Aquarius 🌑♒! We still in Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑, which means this New Moon in Aquarius 🌑♒ #Energy is supporting Mercury Retrograde. This New Moon in  Aquarius 🌑♒ #Energy is reforcing your independence & asking the questions, Are you setting boundaries & goals? This is the second New Moon for 2022 & it's combined with the Mercury Retrograde & Saturn. Saturn is the great teacher and will be emphasizing that there are some lessons to still be learned. This is a time to plan for near future action on goals & projects, instead of jumping to start something new right now.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#NewMoonInAquarius #Energy #MercuryRetrograde #Goals #LifeLessons #Independence #SpiritualGrowth #Healing #Block #Teacher #Boundaries #Moon #Reflection #Review #Determination #FebruaryNewMoon #Saturn #Balance #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the SUPER New Moon in Capricorn 🌑♑!

     Welcome to the SUPER Mew Moon in Capricorn 🌑♑! This is the 1st New & SUPER Moon for this year 2022. The #Energy for this Super New Moon in Capricorn 🌑 ♑ focuses on establishing new routines that will create &/or maintain balance & harmony within your family & home. *Mercury Retrograde can be felt now! Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#NewMoonInCapricorn #SuperMoon #Energy #CapricornNewMoon #JanuaryNewMoon #NewBeginnings #Family #Love #Home #UranusInRetrograde #VenusInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCyle #MoonPhase #SuperNewMoon #HappyNewYear2022 #2022NewYear #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ Mercury Sextile Neptune & Last Quarter Moon 🌓 ☆

Sunday 12/26/21Mercury sextile Neptune ☆

Great #Energy for Spiritual, emotional, motivational, encouraging, & inspirational topics. Great Energy for writers & creators, your audience will enjoy you work.
Sympathetic & encouraging conversations.

*Felt 1 Day before & after.

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☆ Last Quarter Moon 🌓 ☆

Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐!

         Welcome to the Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐, also known as the New Moon in Sagittarius 🌑♐! This event is taking place on Saturday, December 04, 2021. The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ is the last Eclipse and New Moon for 2021. This Total Solar Eclipse is positively POWERFUL #Energy that focuses on discovering your inner hero, re-evaluating your relationships (including the relationship with yourself) to regain balance, Life & career changes & Spiritual Awakenings. This Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius is ushering in to invest in yourself & your abilities. Reframe from competition with others because your Energy needs to be focused on you & achieving your goals. Assert yourself in new investments, experiences & projects. The are alot of lessons to be learned from relationships at this time. Divine connections will be discovered & explored during this time. Be more loving to yourself because these connections will come to you. Your values & goals may change for the better as well as a healthy boost of knowing your self worth. Passion, Hope & Healing for your dreams is being restored during this time. This is also a great time to gain stability in your finances by creating structured budget.
♡ Signs must effected by this Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ are Sagittarius, Virgo, Gemini & Pisces. All signs are affected to some degree. ♡
☆ Please remeber that Eclipse energy can last up until 6 months before and after the Eclipse event. So this #Energy will still be around until late May 2022. Allow yourself to use this Energy in a Proactive way.
☆ Please check my last post (Wellness Check between the Eclipses) for some beneficial #SelfCareTips to navigate through this Eclipse Energy.
Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms
#TotalSolarEclipse #Energy #NewMoonInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #SpiritualAwakening #InvestInYourself #Healing #Relationships #Goals #NewBeginnings #Stability #Finances #Career #LifeChanging #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Sun #Moon #MoonCycle #SolarEclipse #Eclipse #SolarEclipse2021 #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to December🌌🌬❄!

     Welcome to December 2021 🌌🌬❄! This month is packed with A LOT of Positive forward movement #Energy. Here are some important highlights for this month on:
-Wenesday 12/01/21 Neptune goes Direct
-Saturday 12/04/21 Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌🌑♐ (New Moon in Sagittarius)
-Friday 12/18/21 Full Moon in Gemini 🌕♊
- Saturday 12/19/21 Venus Retrogrades 
-Tuesday 12/21/21 Winter Solstice 🌬❄ (In the Northern Hemisphere)
☆ Some of the juiciest fruits in season for month of December are apples, oranges & pears. Try to adding some to your holiday celebrations this month for receive some nutritional benefits. Blessings💚💛 A'Ja Simms 
#December #Energy #TotalSolarEclipseInSagittarius #TotalSolarEclipse #NewMoonInSagittarius #NeptuneDirect #FullMoonInGemini #WinterSolstice #WinterSolstice2021 #VenusRetrograde #Manifestations #Harvest #UranusInRetrograde #NewMoon #Solstice #SolarEclipse #FullMoon #MoonCycle #Eclipse #Astrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to the New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏!

      Welcome to New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏! The #Energy for this New Moon in Scorpio 🌑♏ is a Spiritual reset. This Spiritual reset will help you discover new methods & forms of Love, that will bring you more freedom & peace into your Life. Make this adventure a positive experience that leads to more HEALING within yourself and your relationships. 
     ☆Expect powerful changes at the end of the month into the next couple of months. These powerful changes are due to the Partial Lunar Eclipse in Taurus 🌌♉  on 11/18/21 & The Total Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius 🌌♐ on 12/04/21. Eclipse energy can be felt 6 months before & after the Eclipse event. 
     ☆Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips for this New Moon in Taurus:
-Allow changes to happen with less resistance as possible.
-Journal the changes that occurs and how you felt. Did you feel it was coming or was it a surprise?
-Go with the flow! Remember to have patience with yourself.
-Maintain wellness by  properly hydrate your body and getting plenty of rest.
-Trust in your Goals & Purpose!
Blessings 💛💚 A'Ja Simms
#NewMoonInScorpio #Energy #Spiritual #Reset #Love #Healing #Discovery #Change #NewBeginnings #Freedom #Adventure #Spiritual #MindBodySpirit #HealthyMentality #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde
#PartialLunarEclipse #PartialLunarEclipseInTaurus
#MoonCycle #Eclipse #Retrograde #Astrology #RevolvingLove @ajasimms_(Instagram)
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)