Welcome to the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini πŸŒŒπŸŒ‘β™Š!

Welcome to the Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini πŸŒŒπŸŒ‘β™Š! This Annular Solar Eclipse will also be known as the New Moon in Gemini πŸŒ‘β™Š! The #Energy for this Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini πŸŒŒπŸŒ‘β™Š is because it backup the Retrogrades, as well as the Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius πŸŒ•β™ we just had 2 weeks ago. Please remember that Eclipses Energies last 6 months before and after the Eclipse event. The Energy focus during this time is trusting your own wisdom. It’s decision time! You know what’s right for you. Everyone may not agree or support you at this time. This is why it’s a favorable time to use your own wisdom to start making decisions.
Contine to practice your #SelfCare routine regularly during this time. It a beneficial time to revise and/or add more activities to you current Self-Care practice. If you do not have one, this is a positive time to create one. Then practice it regularly πŸ™‚. Here are some helpful #SelfCareTips to add to your Self-Care routine during this Annular Solar Eclipse in Gemini πŸŒŒπŸŒ‘β™Š:
-Make some decisions. Especially now that you may be dealing with subjects that have come back around during this Retrograde period.
-Practice using your own wisdom.
-Write your plan(s) out and provide details.
-Trust yourself. Yes, you can! You are in a great place to do so.
-Get motivated. Action is not required now, but motivation is.
I would also add the #SelfCareTips from my late too post. (Mercury Retrograde or Total Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius πŸŒŒπŸŒ•β™).
BlessingsπŸ’š A’Ja Simms
AnnularSolarEclipseInGemini #NewMoonInGemini #Energy #SelfCare #AnnularSolarEclipse #NewMoonGemini #Trust #Motivational #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde
NewMoon #SelfCareTips #Retrograde #Season #LifeCoaching #MercuryRetrograde
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By Revolving Love

A Few Words About Me
A’Ja is an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, Certified Angel Intuitive Guide, Graphic Designer, Author, Certified Life Coach, Astrologist, Numerologist and advancing Shamanic Practitioner. She answered her calling to operate in her Spiritual Gifts that include, but not limited to, all Spiritual Clairs senses and ministry. A’Ja believes in getting to the root of a problem instead of pacifying the symptoms for complete healing. Her motto is β€œLet’s get back to basics and start reconnecting with each other again.” Connect with A’Ja on her website www.Revolvinglove.com, @ajasimms- on Instagram; @Revolving Love on Facebook; @4everaja on Twitter and LinkedIn-A’Ja Simms.

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