Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍!

Welcome to the New Moon in Virgo 🌑 ♍! The #Energy for this New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍ focuses on discovering new ways you can invest in yourself. This is the time to dedicate extra time to goals and projects. (Keep in mind Mercury Retrograde begins at the end of the month and we are entering it shadows phase.) Virgos thrive off of organization and details. Embrace that Energy when you are doing your every day tasks and special projects. This is also a time to definitely start #SelfCare. Research what it is and what works for you. Make sure your #SelfCare routine is personal ONLY to you. Great #Energy for Investing in your. Your success is in the details. Happy New Moon in Virgo 🌑♍! Blessings💛 A’Ja Simms
#NewMoonInVirgo #Energy #SelfCare #Discovery #Focus  #NewBeginnings #Adventure #Dedicated #Details #Negotiation #InvestInYourSelf #Success #LifeCoaching #SelfCareTips
#PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde  #JupiterInRetrograde #NewMoon #MoonCycle #Astrology #Revolvinglove
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