Wellness Check January 2022

Hi, how are you doing? I just want to check-in with you. Venus Retrograde is still in Retrograde until the end of this month, on the 29th. Mercury Retrograde recently just begun and will be here until February 3rd. I'm seeing these two Energies are definitely kicking up A LOT of dust. Even though it may seem uncomfortable it is necessary to review, slow down & possibly give closure when needed.
Here are some beneficial #SelfCareTips to help assist you during this time:
♡ Set and enforcing your boundaries.
♡ Balance your relationships.
♡ Allow change to come in.
♡ Maintain your Peace.
♡ Let go of what know longer works for you.
♡ Honor your emotions.
♡ Journal your experience & emotions.
♡ Drink water.
♡ Allow yourself Extra ME time to decompress.
♡ Acknowledge that things will not always be perfect.
♡ Properly communicate your needs.
♡ Continue or pick up an old hobby for a positive outlet.
♡ Go for a walk, run &/or gentle  exercise to keep circulation & #Enrgy movement flowing.
♡ Slow down and take your time.
♡ Allow, Respect & honor your Healing. Try adding them to your regular #SelfCare routine.
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#Wellness #Check #Energy #Healing #SelfCare #SelfCareTips #MercuryRetrograde #VenusRetrograde #MindyBodySoul #MindBodySpirit #HealthyMentality #WellBeing #Health #InnerPeace #InnerWork #Review #Refocus #LOA #Success #Balance #Security #Harmony #Astrology #RevolvingLove 
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