☆ Mercury Visible ☆

Wednsday 02/09/22

☆ Mercury Visible ☆
Great #Energy for learning new skills, projects, writing, media. Virgos ♍️ & Geminis will have ease in their manifestations ✨️. They will be & feel better, healthy & stronger. Virgos & Geminis will also have a strong influence.

♡ Special Message for 
♍️ Virgos & Geminis ♊️ ♡
Use this time wisely because after February 13th, things will slow down for you until April 11th. The reason is Mercury will be invisible until then. April 11th you Energy picks back up, eight in time for Spring. So plant your seeds of intention now for it to grow in the Spring and continue throughout the Summer. Remember Harvest is in the Fall (Autumn). Be patient and strategic. This message resonates for Virgo & Geminis whether it is your Sun, Moon or Rising (Ascendant) Sign. Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms