☆ First Quarter Moon in Taurus 🌓♉️☆

☆ First Quarter Moon in Taurus 🌓♉️☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #January #January2023 #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌 ♑️!

Welcome to Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌 ♑️! This Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn is from Thursday, December 29th, 2022 through January 18th, 2023. Yes, we are ending 2022 in Mercury Retrigrade and beginning a New Year 2023 in Mercury Retrograde. Its very important to keep that in mind when we start flowing into January 2023. What it really means is 2023 will not really kick off until forwards the end of January 2023. This is because we have to allow the #Energy of Mercury Retrograde to fully move forward, so we can move forward. Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn 🌌♑️ will focus on family, Life goals & rebuilding your confidence to listen to your own inner Wisdom.
Some ♡ Awareness ♡ to remember:
-Travel delays
-Technology glitches
-Missed details
-Incomplete Documents
-Misguided by outside of you voices
-project & goal delays.
These are just a few these to make sure to check on or pay attention to until Mercury goes Direct in mid January 2023. The Zodiac sign that will be effected the most are Capricorns, Virgos Geminis & Cancers. Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms
#MercuryRetrograde #Energy #MercuryRetrogradeCapricorn #MercuryInRetrograde #FirstQuarterMoon
#Goals #InnerGuidance #InnerWisdom #Relationships #Yourself #InvestInYourself #Personal #Family #Romance #Wisdom #MarsInRetrograde #EndOf2022 #NewYear2023 #UranusInRetrograde 
#Astronomy #RetrogradeSeason #Astrology #Revolvinglove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ November First Quarter Moon 🌓♓️ ☆

☆November First Quarter Moon 🌓♓️☆ #FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #MarsInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ November First Quarter Moon 🌓♒️ ☆

☆ November First Quarter Moon 🌓♒️ ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #MarsInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ First Quarter Moon 🌓♑️ ☆

Sunday 10/02/22
☆ First Quarter Moon in Capricorn ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #PlutoInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde  #SaturnInRetrograde
#UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ First Quarter Moon ☆ September 2022

Saturday 09/03/22
☆First Quarter Moon in Sagittarius ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #PlutoInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde  #SaturnInRetrograde
#UranusInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ First Quarter Moon in Scorpio ☆

Friday 08/05/22
☆ First Quarter Moon in Scorpio ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #JupiterInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #Retrograde#RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

☆ First Quarter Moon in Libra 🌓♎️ ☆

Wednesday 07/06/22
☆ First Quarter Moon in Libra 🌓♎️ ☆ Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#FirstQuarterMoon #First #Quarter #Moon #MoonCycle #Luna #MoonPhases #LunaMoon #MoonMagic #MoonGoddess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #WaxingGibbous #Astrology #Astronomy #Daily #DailyAstrology #PlutoInRetrograde #SaturnInRetrograde #NeptuneInRetrograde #Retrograde
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

First Quarter Moon in Virgo 🌓♍️

Tuesday 06/07/22
☆ First Quarter Moon in Virgo 🌓♍️  ☆
#FirstQuarterMoon #Virgo #Luna #Moon #MoonCycle #MoonVibes #MoonEnergy #MoonLovers #MoonPhases #Moonlight #MoonMagic #MoonGodess #Daily #LunaMoon #Astrology #DailyAstrology #MoonSign #MoonMagick #MoonNight #Moonshine #RevolvingLove

First Quarter Moon in Leo 🌓♌️

Sunday 05/08/22
First Quarter Moon in Leo 🌓♌️ 
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#FirstQuarterMoon #Moon #Energy #MoonCycle #MoonPhases #Luna  #MoonMagic #MoonGodess #TheMoon #WaxingMoon #CrescentMoon #Astronomy #Astrology #Daily #DailyAstrology #RevolvingLove
@RevolvingLove(Facebook page)