National Hug Day 🤗💜!

    Happy National Hug Day 🤗! A hugs are a form of touch therapy & touch healing. Touch Therapy & Touch Healing is very real! A hug can help heal a person physically, mentally & Spiritually. Some benefits of hugging are stimulants emotions, lower blood pressure & heart rate and reduce anxiety. A hug can also reveal some awareness that someone cares. How many times have you giving a hug to someone and they said, "I really needed that"? Hugging is a two-way Healing street. The other person gets some Healing and so do you. Hugging is also a form of affection. Think about when was the last time you gave a hug or received one? Well today is your day, because here is a BIG HUG 🤗 from me! You don't need a National day to give or receive a hug. Lets challenge ourselves to see how many hugs you get or give today. You already started at 1 already. Don't forget to give yourself one. Now you're up to 2 hugs! Please be mindful of people's personal space. This World is full of beautiful, sensitive & unique people. First, ask them if it is okay to enter the personal space so that you can give them a hug. This will show the other people that you honor & respect them & their personal space. If they say "NO!", that is okay. Give them an air HUG, because it really all about positive & loving #Energy. If you need another #SelfCare tip, add hugging to your SelfCare routine. Even a VIRTUAL 🤗one has positive benefits.
Happy hugging 🤗!
Blessings💜 A'Ja Simms 
#NationalHugDay #Hug #SelfCare #Energy #Healing #MindBodySoul #TouchTherapy #Wellness #Affection #HealthyMentality #Love #Welcome #Embrace #TouchHealing #PositiveVibes #BearHug #Squeeze #Awareness #Mentality #Spiritual #SelfCareTips #Celebrate #LifeCoaching #Cuddle #Receive #RevolvingLove 
@RevolvingLove(Facebook Page)

By Revolving Love

A Few Words About Me
A’Ja is an Integrative Healing Arts Practitioner, Certified Angel Intuitive Guide, Graphic Designer, Author, Certified Life Coach, Astrologist, Numerologist and advancing Shamanic Practitioner. She answered her calling to operate in her Spiritual Gifts that include, but not limited to, all Spiritual Clairs senses and ministry. A’Ja believes in getting to the root of a problem instead of pacifying the symptoms for complete healing. Her motto is “Let’s get back to basics and start reconnecting with each other again.” Connect with A’Ja on her website, @ajasimms- on Instagram; @Revolving Love on Facebook; @4everaja on Twitter and LinkedIn-A’Ja Simms.

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